Sometimes hit and runs are unpreventable. But if you are the driver and are thinking about leaving the scene of an accident, follow these tips to make sure you don't face more trouble down the road.
Cultivation and manufacturing of an illegal or illicit substance is an area that has vastly expanded its penalties and statutes over the last few decades. Here’s what you need to know on the issue.
Being convicted of an offense like drug transportation can result in serious ramifications. States like Florida, in particular, have a low tolerance for these types of crimes.
Each state has different laws, penalties, and rules about drugs and controlled substances. Florida has traditionally been more strict than other states when it comes to criminal charges relating to controlled substances.
Florida is one of the strictest states in the US for illegal substances. This means that Florida has more harsh consequences for drug charges. Read more here!
Depending on whether or not violence was used during the commission of the offense, resisting an officer can be a misdemeanor or felony. Read on for more.