Many people think obtaining a restraining order is a difficult task, but it’s relatively straightforward. Check out this blog post to learn how to make a Florida restraining order.
Receiving a restraining order can be surprising, hurtful, and frustrating; however, you have options. In this blog post, a Volusia criminal defense attorney will explain how you can respond to a Florida restraining order.
Do you know what you could be charged with if you’re caught possessing marijuana in Florida? Read this Hager & Schwartz blog post to find out what charges come with an accusation.
Law enforcement is prevalent during Daytona Beach Bike Week. Contact Hager & Schwartz, P.A. to speak to a Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney if you were arrested.
Being under the influence during the biggest race of the year can lead to criminal charges. If you have been arrested at the Daytona 500, contact Hager & Schwartz, P.A. today.
Read our blog or contact our Daytona Beach criminal defense lawyers at Hager & Schwartz, P.A. today to learn about the prescription drug crimes and penalties in Florida.
Read our blog or contact our Daytona Beach criminal defense lawyers at Hager & Schwartz, P.A. today to learn how police body camera footage can help support a defendant's case.
Thinking about vacationing to a state where cannabis consumption is legal? Our Daytona Beach drug crimes attorneys explain some things you should know.
Verbal abuse is when a person forcefully criticizes, insults, or denounces someone else. Verbal abuse is not physical abuse, but does it count as domestic violence?
Just how accurate are field sobriety tests? The answer may surprise you, and have a tremendous impact on your case if you're arrested. Read our Daytona Beach DUI attorney's blog today!